No Winners, Everyone Loses


China and the US have been highly crucial and interdependent trading partners for a long time.  This relationship has created millions of jobs in each country and helped propel China’s economy and middle class to record levels of growth.  Despite this interdependent relationship, “fair and balanced” are two words that often accompany conversations in the US about growing trade deficits.


The below US Department of Commerce visual captures the gaps in trade between the US and major trading partners.



The Trump ignited US-China trade war has been underway for more than a year.  US President Donald Trump has complained about China's trading practices long before he took office in 2016.  The US launched an investigation into Chinese trade policies in 2017.  The US went on offensive to ‘rebalance’ and imposed tariffs on billions of dollars of Chinese products last year, and Beijing retaliated in kind.  There appears to be no end in sight as each side digs in and prepares to duke it out despite the immediate consequences or repercussions at home or abroad.


Tariffs imposed on Chinese goods, in theory, make US-made products cheaper than imported ones, and encourage consumers to buy American.  Tariffs are also increasingly seen as a negotiation tactic in the trade war.  The most important and long-standing issue is that the Chinese economy appears to owe part of its rapid development in recent decades to heavy subsidization of targeted companies and industries critical to its long-term sustained growth.


Last year, the US imposed three rounds of tariffs on more than $250 billion worth of Chinese goods including steel, aluminum, machinery, appliances, electrical equipment and solar panels.  Optimism had grown over the prospect of a trade truce during the G20 summit in Argentina, but that faded, and now the US has more than doubled tariffs on certain Chinese products to 25% from 10%.  


In response, China imposed new tariffs of up to 25% on $110 billion of select US goods including fruit, wine, chemical, coal, medical equipment, handbags, railway equipment and other industry sectors ‘in the interests of the Republican Party’ such as soybeans (more than 50% of US soybeans are exported to China).  China has not imported oil from the US since August 2018.  Although China retaliated twice, officials say they are still talking and serious about negotiating a possible solution for both countries.  After months of open sparring, both countries agreed to halt new trade tariffs in December to allow for continued dialog.


Each country claims to be confident and capable of facing any trade war challenges and will not hesitate to fight to defend its own economic interests and rights.  President Xi is rallying China to prepare for a prolonged fight with the US.  President Trump is pushing his “Make America Great Again” agenda at home to the American people and pushing US manufacturing to return home.  All evidence suggests negotiators on both sides have made little headway resolving their fundamental disagreements.  Ultimately, each country does not want to appear to be succumbing to economic pressure from the other.  Is there ever a ‘winner’ in an escalating tit-for-tat confrontation?

両国とも、どのような貿易戦争を挑まれようと、自信を持って対処することができると主張しており、自国の経済的利益と権利を守るためであれば、反撃も辞さない構えだ。周主席は自国の力を結集させ、米国との長期戦への備えを固めている。トランプ大統領は米国内で「偉大なアメリカを取り戻そう(Make America Great Again)」政策を国民に対して推進しており、米国製造業者に対しては、生産の国内回帰を促している。根本的な不一致の解決へ向けた動きが、両国の交渉担当者の間で遅々として進んでいないことが、あらゆる証拠により示されている。究極的には、両国とも相手の経済的圧力に屈したと見られたくないということだ。エスカレートを続ける報復合戦において、果たして「勝者」などあり得るのだろうか?

With the trade negotiations not moving fast enough to satisfy President Trump, earlier this month the US has also started the process for hitting an additional $300 billion of Chinese goods with tariffs.   China has retaliated with additional tariff increase on $60 billion worth of imported products made in America.  There are no formal trade talks between the US and China currently scheduled.


This latest round of US increases also stems from the Trump administration view that the Chinese government is not doing enough to protect foreign intellectual property in China.  Copyright enforcement is still weak, and US companies are forced to give their Chinese counterparts access to technology as a condition of doing business in the country.   Foreign direct investment in China is also restricted and to obtain access, foreign firms are forced to enter JV agreements with Chinese firms. These “forced technology transfers” are estimated to cost American businesses upwards of $600 billion a year.  This figure does not include the financial implications of cyber intrusions and cyber theft by China.  China claims they have in fact significantly strengthened its IP protection policies, but this claim has largely been ignored by the US.  In the meantime, China is forging ahead in developing key protected industry sectors including aerospace, robotics and electric vehicles.


There are obvious serious economic consequences for all sides to a continued escalation of the trade war.  US and Chinese consumers should expect to pay more for items imported items.  For example, the rise in the price of washing machines and clothes dryers from China, will cost US consumers over US$1.5 billion despite creating only 1850 new jobs in the US.   Costco, Walmart, Target and other large retails have already warned consumers that China-made product prices will inevitably increase.  US consumers paid an average of $200 per person more for various products due to tariff increases.  This is especially impacting low-income families and retirees on a fixed income. The US government has also been forced to subsidize US farmers that have been hurt by the recent lack of demand from China for US agricultural products.  There is a growing “Boycott Apple” retaliatory sentiment in China on the iconic American brand.  The catastrophic effects of this trade war are mounting on both sides. 

貿易戦争のエスカレートが続けば、両国の経済に深刻な影響が及ぶことは明らかである。米中の消費者は、輸入商品の値上がりを覚悟するべきである。例えば、中国製の洗濯機や乾燥機は、米国消費者に対して15億ドル以上の値上がりとなるが、それによる米国での雇用創出はわずか1850人にとどまる。コストコ、ウォルマート、ターゲットその他の大手小売店は、既に消費者に対し、中国製品の値上がりが避けられないことを予告している。米国消費者は、各種製品に対する関税の上昇により、一人当たりで平均200ドル以上、出費が増加している。これは特に、低収入の家庭や、年金生活の退職者に対する影響が大きい。さらに米国政府は、最近中国で米国農産物への需要が縮小したことにより損害を受けた自国農家に対し、補助金の交付を強いられている。中国では報復感情により、米国を象徴するブランドへの「ボイコット・アップル(Boycott Apple)」運動が広がりを見せている。貿易戦争による破滅的な影響が、両国に重くのしかかっている。

Imports are down for both countries.  China’s growth rate has declined to the lowest level since the global financial crisis in part due to weakening domestic demand.  The decline in growth rate is like what Japan, South Korea and Taiwan experienced decades ago.  There is speculation that if the trade war continues longer, the US may be dragging itself, and possibly the rest of the world, into a recession.  It is imperative that a healthy dialog between these two interdependent giants needs to restart. 


The actions of the US and China not only affect each other, but also have implications for the rest of the world, some negative and some positive.  In theory, as trade decrease between the US and China, trade should increase between each US and China and other countries.  For example, China has shifted much of soybean procurement to other nations including Brazil.  


Faced with a scenario of increasing wages at home, the rate of Chinese companies shifting production to neighboring counties including Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines is increasing and is a boon for Southeast Asia.  Non-PRC companies say trade tensions are influencing their longer-term business strategies and are delaying additional China investments.  US companies are diversifying their risks by beginning to shift production out of China as well.  Many are focused on Taiwan and Vietnam. 


A member survey conducted by AmCham China suggests American companies are considering to move from China, but not necessarily back to the US.



US consumer electronics such as iPhones, MacBook, Fitbits and various laptop makers are all at risk of dramatic price increases if they continue to rely on their PRC manufacturing facilities or manufacturing partners located in China.  South Korea conglomerates such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics and SK Group have massive financial exposure due to possible US-China tariff implications.


The trade war impact is hitting Japanese firms as well.  The Bank of Japan’s latest Tankan Survey suggests business sentiment fell to a tow-year low as leading Japanese manufacturers and exporters are growing increasingly worried about the implications of an economic slowdown in China and the effects on their businesses.  Major Japanese firms including Asahi Kasei, Komatsu and Mitsubishi Electric are considering moving production from China, some to the US, Japan, South Korea or Mexico to sidestep possible nastier consequences of a prolonged US-China trade war.


In conclusion, the trade war between the US and China has implications well beyond just the US and China.  There are no true winners.  The associated negative impacts are far reaching and potentially long lasting.  Resuming sincere and meaningful bilateral discussions is the logical next step to resolve this escalating and trade war impacting the world.


Author: Jonathan Scharf, Access Asia, LLC
